HCA Members Launch PPE Training Program

August 2020… The Health Coalition of Alberta worked with several of our members to launch a training program for family care partners to ensure that long-term care operators, residents and families feel confident with July’s changes in continuing care access orders.
The Designated Care Partner training program is now open to all family caregivers in Alberta. It is hosted in an online classroom led in real time by an instructor, who can provide feedback and answer questions.
This initiative was led by the Dementia Network Calgary and developed in partnership with the Canadian Red Cross, the Government of Canada (Employment and Social Development Canada) and the Alzheimer Society of Calgary, with support from the United Way of Calgary and Area, Gordie Howe C.A.R.E.S, Caregivers Alberta and the Health Coalition of Alberta.
As experts in infectious disease training, the Red Cross will provide PPE and Infection Prevention and Control training to 400 family caregivers in Alberta over the next few months. The Alzheimer Society of Calgary will provide optional training geared to communicating with someone who has dementia with the added complexity of wearing a mask.
You can find more details on the program and how to register here.
There are also several updates in Alberta regarding accessing COVID-19 resources and funding for treatments.
COVID-19 Resources:
Governments and organizations continue to provide additional resources for Albertans in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Alberta pharmacists are now able to provide COVID-19 testing for asymptomatic people who have pre-booked an appointment. By Sept. 1, all Shoppers Drug Mart and Loblaw owned pharmacies will be providing testing. You can access a complete list of locations here.
If you recently travelled via plane (domestic and international), cruise ship, or train and are worried you may have had a potential exposure to COVID-19, the Government of Canada has compiled a list of resources that shows all flights, cruise ships or trains where a passenger tested positive for COVID-19. You can find the list here.
CAR-T Cell Therapy Launch:
We are so happy to be able to wrap up this month’s blog with good news!
The Alberta Government just announced $15 million in funding to provide access to CAR-T therapy in our province by winter of 2020. Funding will go toward clinical trials in three locations: the Cross Cancer Institute, the Tom Baker Cancer Clinic and the Alberta Children’s Hospital. CAR T-cells will also be manufactured within the province. Congratulations to our members who advocated for this treatment in Alberta. This is excellent news for patients with specific types of leukemia and lymphoma!